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Basic Website Creation

At Inversify Media, we believe in the power of simplicity and effectiveness when it comes to website design. Our basic website creation services are tailored to meet the specific needs of your business or brand, providing you with a platform that not only looks great but also delivers results.

Let's Create Something Remarkable

Whether you're a startup looking to establish your online presence or an established business seeking to revamp your website, Inversify Media is here to help. Let's work together to create a basic website that not only looks great but also drives results for your business.

Additional Support

When you choose Inversify Media for your website creation needs, you can expect ongoing support and collaboration. We provide bi-daily check-ins throughout the design process, keeping you involved every step of the way and allowing you to provide feedback and make adjustments as needed.


Unlike template-based solutions, none of our websites are designed from templates. Each website is built from scratch, allowing for a high level of customization and ensuring that your website stands out from the crowd.

User-Friendly and Optimized Performance

We ensure that every website we create is user-friendly and optimized for performance. Through thorough testing on multiple devices, we view the website from a user perspective and make adjustments to enhance usability and accessibility.

Design Principles and Aesthetics

Our design philosophy is simple: give the customer what they need. We understand that every business is unique, so we take the time to understand your specific requirements and tailor the website layout accordingly. Whether you're targeting a specific niche or audience, our designs are crafted to meet your objectives and exceed your expectations.

Website creation Discovery Call

Please book an appointment with our team to get started on your project!

Key Features and Components

Our basic websites are built with simplicity and usability in mind. Key features and components include:

  • Simplistic Layouts: We design easy-to-navigate layouts that prioritize user experience and make it effortless for visitors to find the information they need.

  • Customization: From custom colors and fonts to unique animations and interactive elements, we tailor each website to reflect your brand identity and resonate with your target audience.

  • Lead Generation: Our websites are equipped with forms and call-to-action buttons strategically placed to capture leads and drive conversions.

  • Brand Awareness: We integrate elements that enhance brand visibility and recognition, helping you increase brand awareness and establish a strong online presence.

  • Search Engine Optimization: Show up first on Google when people search key words related to your business. This drives organic traffic to your website.

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